Going Back to School
Don't have it yet? There are multiple options to get it. At BAHS, we explain exactly what you need to finish your grade 12 and graduate with a real diploma. Apply or call now to learn more.
Classes are typically smaller than in a regular high school. This means you can focus more easily on your work and get help for those concepts you find more difficult.

Nearly everyone regrets some decisions. Did you not take the right course in high school, and now need to upgrade something? Math, English? We have options that are FREE.
Going back to school is not the same as going to school. Adults typically have work, a family and other commitments. As a result, taking time off to go back to school is often difficult. We offer part-time and full-time study in addition to independent courses to fit your schedule.
Get Started today!
It is never too late to learn something new, to make a new beginning or to surge forward in life.
Welcome to
- are 18 years of age or older and;
- have been out of public school for one full year or more and;
- do not already have a Department of Education recognized high school graduation diploma.
If you are seeking upgrading or are looking for a particular course, we may also be able to help. Please look at the course selections below.

Take high school courses and receive course credits.

We have high speed internet and computers and have both in-class and independent courses.

Textbooks and other resources are provided.

Accreditation through the Department of Education in Nova Scotia.